SPARTA was part of the CYBERWISER.EU “Effective training in cybersecurity in the new era of staff remotisation: Practical solutions, tools & opportunities” event, on 25th March 2021.

SPARTAs’ Cybersecurity Training and Awareness working group, represented by Jan Hajny, integrated the first events’ roundtable – Capacity building in cybersecurity: solutions – with ECSO and the other 3 Pilots of the future European Cybersecurity Competence Network.

For more information on the event follow this link 👉

The event was part of the dissemination programme, sponsored by the European Commission.


Jan Hajny works as an associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication at Brno University of Technology. He is the head of the Advanced Cybersecurity group, member of the faculty’s Scientific Committee and the person responsible for the Information Security study programs. The scientific activities of prof. Hajny include research into modern cryptography and privacy protection. Currently, prof. Hajny leads the Cybersecurity Training and Awareness working group at SPARTA and is a member of ENISA Cybersecurity Skills Framework working group.